There is something seriously wrong with the government and people of a nation that is so rich in resources and two-third of its people are living in poverty. The statistics below are frightening given that we are the eight largest oil producing nation in the world.

55,000 women die annually of maternal related illnesses.

Nigeria is ranked 142 out of 169 nations in the Human Development Index

Population living below $1 per day (PPP) stands at 30%. That number goes up to 70% at population living below $2 per day

Infant mortality rate stands at 86 deaths per 1,000 live births.

39% Illiteracy Rate

27% of children under the age of 5 years underweight

Life expectancy at birth is 52 years on the average

If there is anything wrong with the nation and with the economy, blame the Church; if there is anything wrong with our society, blame the Church. If there is anything wrong with family values or with the people, blame the Church. This is because the Church has abdicated its responsibility of discipling nations and teaching the right values.

It is for us as Christians to disciple our nation – we do this by influencing every sphere of our nation: education, sports, entertainment, politics, media, and business. Our role is not just to build church buildings/cathedrals or do church but more importantly to influence our communities. Our role is to ensure that God’s will is done by speaking to leadership and those in power and authority. We must preach messages that do not encourage the corruption going on at the moment. We must preach hardwork

Isaiah 61 talks about Jesus being anointed not just to deal with individual sinners but with restoration of nations. The proof of the gospel is not just how God is changing individuals but how the Church is changing communities. Salvation is not just about individuals but also entails bringing Shalom to our communities. Peace in the Hebrew language, which is ‘Shalom’ stands for not just financial and material blessing but also physical healing and health and spiritual progress and life.

No group of people are better placed as we Christians are to manage the nations. The Bible is a practical book on how to manage the earth. But over the years, we have been preaching an individualistic message of salvation, an individualistic message of prosperity.

In Genesis 47: 7-20, we are told that Israel (Jacob) went down to Egypt. The reason Israel went down is because it sold its Joseph. The Church has sold its promise, the Church has sold its vision, the Church has sold its power to the world and therefore we are going down. The reason why some of us are going down instead of coming up is because we have sold our vision, our power, we have sold our authority, we have sold who we really are and we have given it to the world and we are going down.

The Bible tells us that Joseph brought his father underneath the authority of Pharaoh and this is precisely what is happening in the world today. The Church has been brought under the authority of government, and a government we have no control or influence over. Then the government will begin to ask us ridiculous questions. Pharaoh asked Jacob, ‘How old are you?’ This is because Jacob, an old and respectable man, had lost his worth. Pharaoh saw Jacob, a man he knew he should respect and honour but he knew something was wrong with his life so he asked Jacob, ‘how old are you’?

There is something wrong with a lot of our lives and with the Church today; a lot of us are not where we are supposed to be. Jacob began to complain that ‘I have lived a miserable life, 130 years and nothing to show for it’. And in spite of it all, the Bible states that Jacob blessed Pharaoh. How can you bless a man who you are beholden to? This is a huge problem with the Church today. Everyday you go to government house; you are expected to bless the people there, to compromise with them. You wine and dine with them but you have no authority or power over them.

The Church has lost its power and its vision. Christ is no longer powerful inside of us. The Church, today, is not doing what it is supposed to because we have risen to a level of powerlessness. Things must change in our lives, and things must change in our nation. The Church must be an equipping centre where we equip and send out people out to take charge and transform our nation.

The Church must begin to partner with lay people who have access to power and begin to influence them with kingdom principles. We must begin to think Biblically but speak secularly. When Jesus was about leaving and was praying, He prayed that God will keep us from the evil one, and not that God should take us out of the world (John 17). That is to help us fulfil His admonition in Matthew 5: 13-16:

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

It is time the Church begins to fulfil its mandate of nation building, speaking prophetically to leadership and influencing positive values in its communities.


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