The Need for Change

Our world is in need of a desperate change. Global economy is in chaos. Our world is faced with global security challenges. Food crisis and lack of water are...

The Need for Discipline in Nigeria

The Webster’s ninth new collegiate dictionary on page 360 describes discipline as “to impose order upon”, or “orderly prescribed conduct or pattern of behaviour, self-control, a rule or system...

2023: Picking right candidates

2023: Picking right candidates for leadership at parties' primaries Since the return to civilian rule in 1999, the political space has been a theatre of sorts for Nigerians every election...

What would you live for posterity?

The next few months will be very interesting in the history of our nation. I am hoping that somehow the Almighty God himself will see us through the situation...

Nigeria’s Social Security

An English friend once expressed alarm, when I told her that Nigeria had no social security system. That nobody in Nigeria received any unemployment benefit or went on the...

Have A Pure Heart

One of the challenges of Nigeria is that there is too much evil. Too many wicked people. We are always thinking of who to deal with and how to...

Governing Nigeria

Governing Nigeria requires a through understanding of the nation, the different peoples, their needs and aspirations. It requires careful thought, planning and a lot of consultation. It requires setting...

How to Transform

If one looks at the world’s ecosystem and the background of creation, one cannot but wonder in amazement at the perfection created by God. As far as I am...

Self Leadership & Self Discipline

Like a compass — north, south, east, and west, leadership can be in almost any direction. However, every time the word leadership is mentioned, most leaders instinctively think South....

Serving a Greater Purpose

One of the biggest problems we have in Nigeria today (if not our greatest problem) that is causing most of the greed and corruption we have all over the...
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