Our politics and leadership must change

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn (Proverbs 29: 2). Nigeria cannot rejoice because the righteous are not...

Nigeria must Change

What is Change? Change can be positive or negative. Something can change from the better for worse and something can change from bad to good. In our context in this...

A Nation in Need of Reform

Nigeria since its inception as an independent country has not been able to find her feet due mainly to the plethora of personal interests and visionless leadership that has...

Nigeria’s Social Security

An English friend once expressed alarm, when I told her that Nigeria had no social security system. That nobody in Nigeria received any unemployment benefit or went on the...

Governing Nigeria

Governing Nigeria requires a through understanding of the nation, the different peoples, their needs and aspirations. It requires careful thought, planning and a lot of consultation. It requires setting...

Take Life Simple

For a couple of weeks now, Nigeria has been embroiled in the issue of the armoured vehicles procured by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) for the Aviation Minister....
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